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Taylor Coteus

Taylor Coteus

Taylor Coteus is a stock market enthusiast and entrepreneur whos skills are derived from a blue-collar upbringing!

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January 11, 2022

Biden Receives Infrastructure Plan Push Back

The Build Back Better plan is the Biden Administration’s push towards a recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic as well as...
January 3, 2022

Biden's Infrastructure Bill Creates Job Opportunities

President Biden's sweeping $2 trillion social and climate change legislation more widely known as Build Back Better...
December 31, 2021

Climate Conscious Construction: Build Back Better

Climate conscious construction practices can reduce an organization’s carbon footprint while also improving its bottom...
December 15, 2021

Lead Generation for Field Businesses

45%, 65%, and 75%. That’s how many new businesses fail within the first 5, 10, and 15 years, respectively. Scary, huh?
December 9, 2021

Top 3 Mistakes Small Business Owners Make

There are a lot of components that go into running and owning a small business. From strategic business planning and...
December 7, 2021

3 Ways to Become a Customer-Centric Company

While the pandemic has disrupted the traditional ways that most businesses operate, it has opened the door to a shift...
November 30, 2021

Biden's Tax Plan: Everything You Need to Know

The tax code is complicated enough without having to worry about sudden changes when a new administration comes in with...
November 12, 2021

3 Ways to Motivate Your Sales Team

Motivating a sales teams is no easy task. It can be difficult to encourage employees while numbers are down and moral...
November 12, 2021

7 Tips for Selling a Business

When you run a business, it can be hard to know when the time is right to retire and sell your company. If you're not...
November 11, 2021

Advanced Tax Strategy: Preparing for 2022

Does tax season always seem to sneak up on you? Most small business owners and entrepreneurs agree, the last thing on...
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